New phase for you? Yeah, it was for me too. Let me explain. Sometimes we all need a little inspiration. Some wise words to get us motivated to get off our butts or a few words to remind us that no matter what is happening... we're going to be ok. Pinterest is full of these images. There's actually a whole category dedicated to them which should say a lot about how popular and enjoyed they are.
I am no different then everyone else. Sometimes I have a bad day! Sometimes there's things going on in my world that just suck. I need that reminder that "Hey Short, to appreciate the good stuff... there's gotta be a little bad." I also need that extra motivation some days, especially since I started the gaming blog. I get up some days and I don't feel well or I'm discouraged because a new video has 5 views. It's nice to see Walt Disney remind me "Hey, if you can dream it, you can do it" Call me cheesy but I always see that & think "You know Walt, by golly you're absolutely right! I GOT THIS!" and I open my editor & edit videos or hop on wordpress & get busy! That's what it's made for... to inspire! To Motivate!
When I actually started getting more active online and met more people and joined more groups.about disabilities, I was introduced to a new phrase... Inspiration Porn. I was flashed articles about it. "I'm not your inspiration!" or how these memes and videos objectify people with disabilities. I didn't get it. I saw how much people were offended and I tried my best to read articles to understand why. Everyone always refers to the late advocate Stella Young and her Ted Talks interview. So I watched it in hopes of seeing their point. I couldn't agree with the opinions.
I respect their opinions but I guess it's all about perspective. Apparently mine is highly abnormal... big surprise there. I like inspiration porn. There, I said it! Get the firing squad! The photo above is the most referenced example of inspiration porn and why it's wrong. As Stella explains:
I use the term "porn" deliberately, because they objectify one group of people for the benefit of another group of people. So, in this case, we're objectifying disabled people for the benefit of non-disabled people. The purpose of these images is to inspire you, to motivate you, so we can look at them and think, "Well, however bad my life is, it could be worse. I could be that person."But that's not what I see. I see quotes that do motivate.. people. Not just "motivate non disabled" people. I am disabled and I'm motivated because I believe the quote. I believe sitting around saying "I can't" or feeling sorry for yourself does disable you. I don't see disabled people, I see people who just happen to be disabled... I see someone with a disability included & represented in something the internet loves. In this case it just happens to be motivational quote memes. I don't feel sorry for them and I would feel just as inspired if it were puppies or a swirling background. Another thing Stella says is:
And that quote, "The only disability in life is a bad attitude" the reason that that's bulls*** is because it's just not true, because in the social model of disability. No amount of smiling at a flight of stairs has ever made it into a ramp. Never.I agree. Smiling at stairs can not change them into a ramp. The thing is though... what you do to deal with those stairs can change. Your attitude about those stairs can change. This is the message I get from the meme. I don't see the disabled people & think, "Oh! My life could be worse!" I read the word's and think "Short... you want this right? So suck it up and find a different way to get it if a roadblock pops up." Stairs may not always be a roadblock... they may be a detour. My attitude could be "GREAT! Stairs! Why do I even bother?! I give up!" or it could be "GREAT! Stairs! Okay sooo how else can I get to where I'm going?" or "Something needs to be done about these stairs, who do I contact" THAT'S what I see. A bad attitude can be disabling to anyone. Sometimes I need reminded of this.
As I said before, maybe it's about perspective. I don't understand the hate some people have for these type of messages. I don't necessarily see it as objectification of disabled people maybe because I don't assume it's inspiring just because it does contain a disabled person. I think everyone deserves the right to see these and decide how to feel about them. Everyone's feelings are valid. I do have a problem with people preaching to the masses that this is how all disabled people feel. I have issues with being told this is how we should feel. I once read a blogger who discussed this and said after she read articles against "Inspiration Porn" she removed these type memes from her social media. She was offended basically because someone told her she should be.
Call me crazy, but if we want people to stop noticing disabilities before noticing what's more important about a person maybe we shouldn't highlight it first. Maybe we should hope that the meme helped convince someone with a disability that they COULD get around that roadblock of a staircase by taking action against it instead of believing they couldn't do something just because they're disabled. Maybe we shouldn't assume that it's purpose is to only inspire non-disabled people. The world doesn't revolve around us.
Great blog, love you!