Saturday, July 25, 2015

"SON OF A ^!#$@ I FORGOT MY SHAMPOO" Disney World Trip Report 2015 Day 1

December 29, 2014

Welcome to vacation day 1!  Our countdown calendar had been ticking down so slowly all year.  It was a huge relief to see a big fat 0 on there.  We loaded up the van and away we went!

We were heading to Greenville, Alabama today.  I know a lot of people go from Tennessee to Florida in a day without blinking an eye.   Unfortunately, traveling with health issues means shorter drives.  So off to Greenville we went.  The weather was awful!  It was misting rain and so so cold.  We crank up the van... no heat?!?  Our first stop was at our van's doctor.  We ended up getting a late start but the good news is Dr. Darwin got the heat running!  With the van nice and toasty we got on the road and to our first stop.

Okay, not the most exotic first stop but you gotta eat!  It was just a travel day anyway so nothing exciting to see here.  Move Along. 

You can tell by the darkness what a late start we ended up having.  THANKS HEATER!  It was still very cold and already dark so we skipped our original dining plans and opted for something a little more cozy.

Oh yeah!  KFC & Subway in our nice comfy WARM room!  A little internet, TV, then off to bed! Tomorrow... Destin!

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